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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FAQ: Six Steps to Easy House Training

People mean different things when they talk about house training.   But for me, it's having a dog who goes where you want her to go when you want her to go.  In other words, a dog who will urinate or defecate on command.

It takes a little time and patience but being able to empty your dog before he gets in the car or before you bring her into your in-laws house is worth the effort.  Having a dog who will eliminate on grass, concrete, asphalt and sand will prevent an exasperated owner and an uncomfortable dog.  The steps below are for a puppy of twelve weeks.  This process is easily modified for younger puppies and older dogs.

Step One:
Put your dog on leash.  Even if you have a fenced yard, you'll need to have your dog on lead in order to house train it to go when and where you ask.

Step Two:
Take your dog to the place you want your dog to eliminate and plant your feet.  You don't want to walk around.  This is a "potty break" not a walk, at least not yet.

Step Three:
Say your urinate/defecate command over and over "Do your business, do your business" or whatever you choose to say.

Step Four:
Keep an eye on your watch.  You want to wait a maximum of five minutes.*   When your dog starts to urinate/defecate change your words to a quiet "goooood business" or whatever your command is.  Look at your watch and note the time.

Step Five:
Celebrate!  Give your dog a dog treat and take her for a walk.  When you get back, give her some indoor freedom but under your watchful eye.  When it has been an hour since you noted the time (see Step Four) confine her by putting her on leash and keeping her with you or putting her in a crate for an additional hour.  Then repeat steps one through four.

Step Six:
Change your location and remember to work on different surfaces including grass, concrete, asphalt and sand.

*Dog doesn't "go" when you take him out?  Confine him by keeping him on leash with you or in a crate for half an hour and try again.

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